Sunday Post – September 29, 2019

Sunday Post – September 29, 2019

I can’t believe it’s the last freaking Sunday in September. We got a whole month of Halloween ahead, not to mention the fall and winter seasons. Is it going to snow here? Doubt it but that would be cool to have a couple of snow days off! Then the pups and I could see snow again for the second time in their lives. They would be adorable playing in it, not knowing why it’s so cold. We will see. I hope everyone had a good week and I can’t wait to see what kind of fall clothes you guys have planned. You guys give me inspiration to dress for the season.

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.

You guys already know I’m working on my ARCs. I swear. Slowly but surely getting them done. I look forward to posting my State of the ARC tomorrow. I just have to get it together. I’m probably late posting it but oh well.

  • Valley Girls – Sarah Nicole Lemon
  • Book of Souls – Nadine Nightingale
  • Blood Will Out – Jo Treggiari
  • Feminism from A to Z – Gayle E Pittman
  • Fat Girl on a Plane – Kelly deVos
  • The Gilded King – Josie Jaffrey (10/2)
  • The Athena Protocol – Shamim Sarif (10/3)
  • The Vine Witch – Luanne G. Smith
  • Crier’s War – Nina Valera
  • Dark Retribution – B. R. Stateham

I’m honestly proud of my posts, even if I seem like I’m a little off in my voice for some of them. It’s really not the blog, it’s my personal life outside of it. I’m so proud of myself for continuing to read, continuing to post frequently, and having fun. I was talking to my friend Hannah one night, and I was telling her that a few years ago, whenever I’d have a really bad depressive episode, the first thing I would stop doing was read and blog. I could go up to nine months or more refusing to pick up a book, refusing to write reviews, refusing to interact on my blog. Those were some of my worst times, because I love doing this. Now, I’m making a better effort for self-care, and doing what I love – this – is my form of self-care and it’s helping so much.

Sorry that was so long-winded.

So anyway. I think my favorite post of the week was a review I did because I had been avoiding this book for so long because I just do that, but I really enjoyed it and I’m glad I read it!

House of Salt & Sorrows by Erin A. Craig

Bruh this show creeped me out okay??

So I didn’t buy any books this week because I’m a broke bitch and I need to cut down on my spending anyway. I think I’m going to sell/give away the majority of the books on my shelf that I know I won’t read, or the ones that I won’t include in my new shelf, and then maybe I can start buying again. But for now, I’m loving the library and I always have so I’m okay with that.

Plus what I still have from the library. I can’t show you guys that because you’d kick me.

Just because I didn’t buy anything this week doesn’t mean I didn’t receive past purchases this week. Oops.

I basically cramped up my right hand from trying to straighten my really short, really kinky hair so I could wear a wig for my work’s Annual Celebration of Success Luncheon on Thursday. We had to be presentable, and I felt like my hair – especially since I cut it myself – wasn’t going to work. I also had to put on makeup, which I haven’t done it so long, but I guess I looked okay. My coworkers were definitely surprised to see me. Loved the hair as usual. I swear they always say that.

Also while I was straightening my hair, I was totally getting into YouTube and could NOT stop watching Becky G’s new video Secrets. I mean it’s new to me, but wow I was so into it and it spoke to my soul. Watch it here and tell me what you think.

OMG for some reason I had the urge to watch King Arthur and I did. It was great, I don’t know why this isn’t going to have any sequels because I freaking liked it. The soundtrack just gets me going.

Like I’m not even gaga for Charlie Hunnam or anything but this movie was just great. Like, he was a snarky Arthur and I love that. That’s all. I loved it so much. Except for the beginning where King Uthur let his horse die, wtf.

I’ve been listening to this playlist all over the place at work. Like it legit on repeat because I love pretty much all of these songs!

Shout out to Becky G being on this playlist though! I love herrrrrrrr.

I’m still not sleeping well, but I’m really glad that I’m breathing still. That really is the main goal, but I’d like to actually stay asleep during the night. We will see! It’s only been two weeks.

13 thoughts on “Sunday Post – September 29, 2019

  1. I am ALL FOR your Sunday plan! Except the cat would be a toddler in my case… House of Salt and Sorrows is still a favorite of mine so far this year! I got to read it in April, and I’ve wanted to re-read it 😫 but curse having such a high TBR pile!

    I, too, hoard library books. I would never kick you for that! 😜

    Also, you look so nice! Your hair matches your lipstick and eyeshadow, and that color looks so good on you! And that PUPPER! 🐶 Good luck on getting some sleep. I know the life. 😴

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Yeah, mine were actually four dogs instead of a cat but same concept lol. I hope your toddler was able to rest with you too! Even for a little bit ❤ I'm so glad you got to read it so early! I'm glad I held off for a bit, and it ended up working out for my readathon for Hogwarts House Battles, but wow that book was so good! I'm surprised I didn't read it earlier.

      Hahha perfect! Thank you ❤ My husband definitely keeps eyeing my library pile like… are you ever going to read them? I actually have been! Just also been replacing them as I go so it looks like the pile never changes.

      Thank you so much!!! You're so sweet ❤ Everyone kept saying that! I don't know if I meant to match my hair to my makeup but it happened that way haha.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. LOVE this wrap up! I was just listening to this Pop Sauce playlist today and thinking damn, I should’ve listened to this sooner because it’s awesome and makes my pop soul very happy 😍
    Also, one of the ways that I know I’m having a really bad depressive episode is when I stop reading. It normally doesn’t get that bad right away, neither does it very often in the last three years, but when it does it’s so bad and ugh, I feel you so much when you say that. You should be proud of you for all your effort! You’re doing amazing. Keep it up hun 💙 Hope you have a great week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww yay I’m glad you listened to that playlist! Yeah it hasn’t been up there for too long – at least I never saw it until recently – but I’m glad I found it. I’m listening to it again right now heheh. I’m glad we both love it!

      Yeah… I haven’t gotten to that part yet thank goodness, but makes me wonder if my mind is always running at full capacity because I’m constantly thinking about the books I’m reading, need to read, what I want to say in my review, comparing it to something else I read, etc. I don’t think my brain has rested in a while.

      Thank you so much Dini ❤ ❤ I appreciate you and your support so much.


  3. Self-care is so important! Good for you in recognizing that and trying to be better at it. It’s annoying, sometimes people look at me funny when I mention having to practice self-care. Taking care of others first comes naturally for me, so YES, I have to PRACTICE taking care of myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Nicole ❤ I appreciate that because I'm the worst at practicing any self-care until recently. I feel like it's because we live in a society where we have to constantly put work before everything, that we start to have our own health and happiness decline. It's not good, but hopefully we can make changes for the better ❤


      1. That’s so true! Our society seems to want us to prioritize everything except our own health, and we have to realize on our own that we can’t do anything else if our health fails. So frustrating. Here’s hoping it gets easier for you! ❤


  4. Is your library haul a bit like mine where you have 7 books waiting all screaming at you while you cry because your pile of books might suffocate you in your sleep? Because that’s me currently!

    Also: self-care is super important! I always have to remind myself of that. Have a great week 🙂


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