Top 5 Saturday: Book with Found Families

Top 5 Saturday: Book with Found Families

Mandy @ Devouring Books does an amazing job at hosting this weekly meme, and if you follow her on Twitter, you’ll see our discussion on some new topics for 2020. Get on that and give some suggestions so we can keep it interesting for next year, okayyyyyyy?


  • Share your top 5 books of the current topic– these can be books that you want to read, have read and loved, have read and hated, you can do it any way you want.
  • Tag the original post
  • Tag 5 people

The Flatshare: Tiffy, Rachel, Gertie. I feel like they are the ones that really gave Tiffy a family that cared about her when she wasn’t with her parents, and constantly supported her and wanted to protect her from Justin. Sometimes, friends make the best family.

Comeback: the group members of NEON. People think that just because you’re in the same boy band or girl group or whatever that you automatically love each other, but that’s not true. It’s evident in some of the US bands. In this one though, they really are so solid and even helped Emery deal with his depression and make sure that he didn’t hurt himself again.

Renegades: Nova, Adrian, and their team. I mean I know that Nova really didn’t think that she was going to have a makeshift family with these Renegades because hello, we know how Nova feels about them. But even though she wasn’t anticipating it, she ended up having a new family that actually cared about her.

Harry Potter Series: Harry, Ron, Hermione. I mean… enough said, right?

The Novice: Fletcher and his friends. Wow, I feel bad because I already forgot their names, but basically Fletcher did a great job at making a family out of his friends – an elf and a dwarf and a few other humans. Especially during a time where there is discrimination against dwarfs and elves for like no reason.

So I’m honestly bad at tagging people in this one because I want everyone to do it. So go, I command you! Just kidding. But seriously, this is a fun meme, and Mandy is so great.

22 thoughts on “Top 5 Saturday: Book with Found Families

              1. It’s one that I wanted really bad! I always get denied by GP Putnam and Sons and I wanted Fireborne and The Beautiful and couldn’t get ARCs of either. A friend of mine did a post where we all talked about upcoming releases that we’re dying to get our hands on and Fireborne was on my list and someone messaged me asking if I wanted their copy. The book blogging community can be REALLY sweet.

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  1. What was the first book in the Renegades series? I had it checked out of the library and never got to it. It’s still on my TBR though…. now you reminded me. I have to check it out again. Kristoff though. Killing me.

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  2. Great list, Leelynn! I have a feeling HP is going to feature in almost everyone’s list? Haha I loved that you included The Flatshare and YES those ladies are awesome! 😍I was really looking forward to doing the prompt for this post but I missed it because of bad planning and wedding shenanigans. But I’m hoping to still post for this prompt sometime this week 😂

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    1. Thank you so much, Dini! Oh gosh yes I think that anyone who has read it may include it. 🙂 It’s a perfect found family trope, I feel. Oh hey, life happens! You always still post it after the fact if you wanted to 🙂 I’m sooooo glad that I loved The Flatshare though? Like, I’m kind of tempted to buy a copy for myself just so I can hold it and give it a warm hug.

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