Friday Favorites: Books that Define Me

Friday Favorites: Books that Define Me

Back at you again with another Friday Favorite post! Kibby @ Something of the Book hosts this meme every Friday, and if you go to her page, you’ll see the entire prompts for the rest of 2019. I’m going to keep saying that until I get my act together and start planning this earlier than just the day before this is supposed to go up. I mean, didn’t we all learn from my late posting while in Hawaii? Not goooooood.

I think I’ve probably explained all of these back then, with the exception of Don’t Die Dragonfly and TTYL.

With the exception of Vampire Academy and The Hate U Give, I grew up with these stories. I would read these over and over. These are the books that I felt like I identified with the most because they had strong girls that didn’t take shit from anyone.

The Joy Luck Club gave me a sense of family and culture that I could feel when I was with my mom’s side of the family. All of the women on that side of the family had aspects that I saw in The Joy Luck Club, and I honestly felt like I was reading about my mom, my grandma, my aunts, my cousins. It just stuck with me. The movie even still makes me cry because that’s what I think about.

It’s hard to explain, but when I see this question, these are the books that I think about.

Whew. That kind of got emotional for no reason. Not the post, but just remembering the feelings and emotions that I would have when reading these books. The characters that I identified with and rooted for. The ones that betrayed me with their actions and broke my heart. It just means a lot going down memory lane like this.

10 thoughts on “Friday Favorites: Books that Define Me

  1. Love your answers Leelynn! The more I see Vampire Academy on your page, the more I’ve actually been seeing it appear on other peoples’ page too and I’m getting more curious! Think I’m going to have to check it out 😊

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  2. Vampire Academy was a huge part of my life, as well – and so was Bloodlines after VA ended. I’m not sure I’d love them today, but I still look at them so fondly. I feel like when you read 12 books in a series (well, 6-6, I guess) and have to wait for the next in the series like I had to with Bloodlines, these really remain with you for years. 🙂 Great list!

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