[Tag!] The Identity Crisis Book Tag

[Tag!] The Identity Crisis Book Tag

Thank you so much to Siobhan for tagging me in this super fun one! I’m sorry I missed it earlier, but I’m glad I found it now. This tag was originally created by Loretta @ Laughing Listener, so be sure to check out her blog as well!

  1. Take all the quizzes down below and record your answers somehow. I decided to just copy the text from each quiz and paste it into my post, but screenshots work too! Whatever floats your goat (Yes goat. I SAID WHAT I SAID).
  2. NO CHEATING. You get one shot to take each quiz my friends. I’m watching you. ∗Suspicious squinty eyes∗
  3. Use this post to give credit to the creator Loretta @ The Laughing Listener or tag me on twitter @LaughnListener so I can see everyone’s answers!!
  4. Tag some friends to spread the fun!
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