#BEAutumn2019 Series: Which Witch?

#BEAutumn2019 Series: Which Witch?

Thank you to Sam @ Fictionally Sam and Clo @ Cuppa Clo for hosting this year’s Bookending Autumn 2019 series! Click on the Bookending Fall Icon to see the announcement page.

Today’s prompt is hosted by Haley @ The Caffeinated Reader! 🥰

If you could be any witch or warlock from any book, which witch would you be and why? Would you be a Hogwarts student? Part of Coven, or maybe more like old school Sabrina the Teenage Witch?

So I think I usually would have chosen to be a Hogwarts student because clearly, that’s the obvious choice. If I could have had the opportunity to go to school at Hogwarts, I feel like I would have actually excelled in school even more than I did before and like, hello? Growing up learning magic in school would have been hella awesome.

But… thinking more on this question, I think I would have loved to be a Charmed one, actually. Having two sisters that can do magic with me, and practicing our magic so we could constantly save the world and be the three most powerful witches in the world? It sounds amazing.

Again this one is late because I was super sick, and I think I still am honestly, but I needed to take a break from the computer I guess. I know I’m going to be on it every single day and all that, but I just felt super sick and I couldn’t sleep. But, here is my post! I hope you guys like my answer!

6 thoughts on “#BEAutumn2019 Series: Which Witch?

  1. Nice post, I agree a hogwarts to student is a very good choice and obvious choice. I also think the charmed sisters are too but they also have a lot ot deal with so maybe not the right choice for me. I think I would choose A student from Cackles Academy (the Worst Witch Series) I loved the tv series as a kid and it has been remade since. (not quite as good but still worth the watch). 😀

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    1. That is true, they go through so much stuff that it can be super stressful all the time. I remember watching the original and there were so many times where being a Charmed One would get in the way of their “regular” lives and until they were able to learn how to balance it all, they wanted to stop being witches to just be normal again. It was tough just watching it so I could only imagine actually having to live it.

      I haven’t watched the Worst Witch but I’ve heard of it! I’ll have to check out the remake since I don’t know where to find the original.

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  2. I hope you feel better soon. I’d probably pick Harry Potter as I love the world so much and there’s so many fantastic things mentioned in the book that I’d love to see in real life. I do love Charmed though and I still watch it all of the time.

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