#BEAutumn2019 Series: Candy Tag

#BEAutumn2019 Series: Candy Tag

Thank you to Sam @ Fictionally Sam and Clo @ Cuppa Clo for hosting this year’s Bookending Autumn 2019 series! Click on the Bookending Fall Icon to see the announcement page.

Today’s prompt is hosted by Haley @ The Caffeinated Reader! 🥰

An original tag using different candies to match up with books, like ‘candy corn, a book that reminds you of blah blah blah’

Give me all the tags tbh. I don’t mind it. Seriously though, if you ever think I won’t do a tag, you would be wrong. I’m just slowly getting to all of the tags.

Also thank you Haley for creating these amazing tag graphics!

Prompt Rules:
1. Tag me the creator, por favor.
2. Tag the person who tagged you
3. Feel free to switch up the names of candies
4. Tag whoever you want
5. Have fun. It’s a rule, it must be done.

I mean… the only season that I really lived in was summer and I never really chose a book to read for a specific season. But I guess if I had to pick, I’d pick…

I’d read VA during the Fall or something because of the school vibes. Or because it’s close to Halloween and since it deals with vampires, I’m trying to be a basic bitch.

I would like to say that I took my time with this one because I wanted to be fully engaged in the story and immersed in this world that Chakraborty was showing me. Even though there were some times where I was really wanting to just find out what happened next, I didn’t rush this like I have other books. Plus it was pretty long and had small words on the pages so I couldn’t get through it too fast.

Especially that ending though. Like, wow. I was not expecting it.

Literally will never read this again. I don’t even want to think about this one. Sorry guys. Just wasn’t for me and I love fantasy novels.

I really wasn’t expecting to be into this book because I don’t read political thrillers as a choice. This was for a book club – that I didn’t even get to go to the meeting for, so did I waste my time? Maybe – but I was actually into it and was very impressed with the story line.

Yes I totally tagged the same people, including YOU so get on this! And I think I’m purposely tagging people that need more tags in their life, so if you feel like you need more tags, let me know. I’ll tag you until you tell me you have enough saved up.

16 thoughts on “#BEAutumn2019 Series: Candy Tag

    1. YES BOO! And it was not bad at all! Like, I feel like this book got a lot of press BECAUSE of Clinton’s name on it, but it was good so I don’t mind it. Let me know if you end up reading it eventually! I listened to it, and the President is played by Dennis Quaid, so I was already into it haha.

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  1. I am kinda blown away to hear that Bill Clinton and James Patterson paired up, I didn’t know this book existed until I spotted it in a charity shop and, man, I was already impressed by the fact that it existed, I’m so glad you did the tag! So sorry about Priory lolol, at least you weren’t alone in our group read with that one!

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    1. Right??? It was a huge deal during BookCon 2018 (or actually the other convention that happens right before that’s more geared towards adult fiction and stuff.) They had secret service there because Clinton came to talk about the book! I just missed it because I wasn’t aware of the book or whether I would like it at the time. Hahah yeah sorry I didn’t enjoy it either but I am glad I had a group of us to read it together ❤

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  2. I AM LIVING FOR THAT DANCING PUMPKIN HEAD GIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the tag Leelynn, I LIKE IT!!! Keep me busy in the next few days lol!!
    I enjoyed Bill Clinton and Patterson’s book too… but that twist… Lol no, so obvs XDDDDDDD Still a fun read though :))))))

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