Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’m Avoiding and WHY

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’m Avoiding and WHY

So the full title is Books I’m Avoiding on my TBR and why, but I just took off the TBR part because if it’s a book I’m avoiding in general, I’m just not gonna talk about it ever. So I guess I better come up with some good explanations on why I’m not reading certain books on my TBR besides just because, huh?

Why? I’m still trying to wrap my head around Alice in Wonderland but Zombies. And I still have the books on my shelf because I wasn’t going to not get the entire series while I could, so hopefully I end up liking it.

Why? I bought this entire series because it’s Julie Kagawa. I mean I know it’s not Talon or Shadow of the Fox but I wanted to see how her earlier books are and I heard good things about this series.

Why? Every single person and their auntie is talking about this duology. Apparently it’s better than the Grisha Trilogy, and I only read the first one. So, I guess I better jump on this? But what if it’s too hype?

Why? I mean since I doubt they are going to make a second movie, I don’t really have to rush this anymore. But my ex best friend said that it was really good, and I have an issue finishing anything so that’s my hesitation.

Why? Because I can’t seem to freaking find this one anywhere??? And for some reason I bought the third book of BookOutlet but not the first two? I don’t even understand myself.

Why? Okay I remember a bunch of people talking about this series and saying that it was really good, so too many people hyped it up for me and now I’m afraid that I’m going to be let down.

Why? I don’t think I’ve really heard a lot of things about this one yet, and I haven’t read anything from either author so I’m a little scared.

Why? Because if I finish all the mermaid books then what else am I going to read?

Why? Because I loved the first book so much that I don’t know if I want the series to end. I don’t think I can handle being one step closer to the end, you know? I have issues.

Why? Because what if I read this, and I love it, and then I don’t love the Netflix movie?! Or what if I don’t love this and then I never watch the Netflix movie because I don’t love it?

Do you know how hard it was to choose only 10 books for this list? My Goodreads TBR right now is over 1500 – since I’m still trying to clean it up – and I keep going through it like… yeah I want to read it, but then I don’t want to read it. I have issues.

I don’t know. Did I even really explain why correctly? Oh well. I’m sorry fam!

52 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’m Avoiding and WHY

  1. OMG LARA JEAN!!!! I feel your fears though. Because it’s just soooo beloved by people. The hype for six of crows got me, tried to read it and DNFd after like a page 🙈🙈🙈 great TTT!!!!

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  2. Ahahaha GIRL, I feel you so hard on this. It was SO hard to choose 10 for this list when my physical and Kindle shelves are overflowing and about 90% of them are still unread 😂I feel like I’m just shaming myself by admitting that! Hahaha this is a great list though. I loved TATBILB and thought the movie was alright, they changed quite a bit but I still enjoyed seeing this book come to life (and I’ma be real with myself coz I know I’m gonna watch the sequels LOL). I think I’ve also had The Iron King on my Kindle for yonks and I haven’t read any Kagawa yet but I’ve heard great things about the series. Hope you get to these (eventually) and love them when you do!

    My TTT post

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    1. Right?? I don’t even think I really looked at either my physical TBR or my Kindle shelves because that’s a whole different monster for me haha. I swear, buying books and reading books are two completely different activities and I can’t seem to do one of those right.

      I was so glad to hear the news that Netflix did end up making all the movies! I would have been so irritated if they didn’t lol. But I guess so many people loved it enough that there was no way they couldn’t make them. So at least I can be aware that there are going to be some changes – of course – but they were still alright.

      I’ll definitely let you know what I think about The Iron King and that whole series because I will eventually read it.


  3. I got too hyped for The Kiss of Deception and I ended up hating it the first time I read it 😬 I did re-read it recently though and enjoyed it enough to want to continue the series. I definitely have that “is it too hyped up?” fear now too haha

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    1. OMG noooo! See that is the absolute worst feeling about a book, and my hesitation to read so many of these! i’m sorry you ended up hating it the first time! I wonder if you hated it the first time because of the hype? I’m glad you ended up enjoying it during your reread. Sometimes we just have to read a book at another point in our life to enjoy it better.

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      1. I know it sucks!! I think I hated it first time around because it was super hyped and I was being way too judgmental (I also wasn’t a fan of the love triangle/who’s the assassin? Thing at the beginning) but the second time I just did it for fun with less expectations and enjoyed it much more

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        1. OMG I totally get what you mean about a book being too hyped and then it not living up to those expectations. I need to stop reading books for the hype and just read them to read it. Or at least not read them when they are being super hyped up so I don’t feel let down lol. I’m glad you ended up enjoying it the second time around though!

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  4. i’ve been putting of soc for the exact same reason. read the first book and didn’t really like it, attempted to read the second like 3 times now. i’m slowly coming to the decision that i think i’ll be fine if i never read soc 😬

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  5. To be fair, “just because” is the best reason ever for avoiding books, okay? I definitely feel you with the Six of Crows thing (and also the Grishaverse, since I haven’t read that). Everyone loves it, so of course I’ll probably be the one person to hate it, and I’ll have to go sit in my lonely corner all by myself while everyone else eats crow-themed cake or something. D:

    Here’s my TTT post.

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    1. I honestly have only read the first book in the Grisha Trilogy, and I did like it! I just never end up finishing series. I’m still trying to figure out how I got myself to finish watching Buffy and Charmed the first time around, you know?

      Just because is going to be my reason for everything from now on. I’m gonna say, “well Sammie said just because so… that’s the reason.”

      LOL nah I’ll be in the corner with you even if you don’t like it.

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    1. Hype can get you sometimes! That’s what I have to remember lol

      Yeah, it’s so strange, but I understand. I’m very lucky to be able to have access to even some of the books that I have access to. I couldn’t imagine not having a library, but I remember the libraries in Guam not having anything that I was currently reading at the time, so I stopped going for 5 years. It was the weirdest 5 years of my life.


    1. OMG and I feel terrible when I hype up a book and then someone reads it because I hyped it up and then they don’t like it. I feel absolutely terrible. So I feel like that’s why I’m just not going to end up reading hyped books right away lol. I’m glad that you enjoyed Six of Crows!!! That is great to hear because I’m pretty sure I have it around here somewhere.

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  6. I had a hard time with Six of crows and ended up giving up on it, but I think I’m in the minority since most bloggers seem to really like it. The Pearson series always looked good to me too.

    Love that cover of Poseidon!

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    1. See, I feel like if I’m one of the few that doesn’t end up liking a beloved book blogger/booktuber book, then I’m isolating myself from everyone and idk if I can handle that loneliness! I know SoC is not for everyone though, so I mean it’s great that you even tried it!


      1. Yeah I got about 100 pages or so and just wasn’t feeling it. It was just like everyone was so badass and too cool for school, you know? Or at least that’s how it came across to me. So I set it aside. Lotsa people love it tho! :):)

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  7. I will keep my rant about Alice in Zombieland out but it’s one of my most hated books and I picked up most of the series too! I was really pissed at false advertising with the whole Wonderland thing though lol

    I loved Kiss of Deception – so I guess I add to that hype but I’ve avoided reading the rest of the series like the weirdo I am – why am I like this?

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  8. Nooo, you’re doing AMAZING with both reading and buying (or maybe not buying) books!! Seriously 🙂 But I totally agree they’re two different activities and I don’t think any bookworm would be surprised to hear anyone say that 😂
    I’m also so glad that they decided to make all the movies. Would’ve been so weird if they decided to stop after one since the whole story is really just taking off. But I hope they don’t continue to change it too much! To be fair though, I get it, all the details can’t always be included in the movies. I know. Lol

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    1. I’m doing a terrible job with buying books. I need to stop omg. I need to stop or at least sell the ones that I know I’m not going to read so I can keep the books that I know I’ll read or that I loved already and would revisit.

      Yes! I’m so glad too. I think they ended up finishing the movies so they just have to air now. I guess I better read them before they come out lol.

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      1. Hahaha tbh I keep telling myself the same thing whenever I look at my bookshelves. But there’s also no one I can sell books to here so I usually just end up giving them away for free to the one second hand bookstore here, that specializes in very different books to what I read 😂 it’s awkward, but they never say no. So I always like to think hard before just giving them away LOL

        But really I need to stop buying books. Haha

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  9. I’ve not heard of Burn for Burn, but not only does it sound neat, that is a sweet co-authorship! I’ve never really been drawn to the plots of Han’s books, but I’ve loved a lot of Vivian’s and since people seem to love Han’s writing, this sounds like a great way to test her out.

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    1. I’ll be honest. I got it because of Jenny Han and there was an Asian girl on the cover, and I’m all for Asian rep in books. I hope that it lives up to my expectations!

      I haven’t tried any of Vivian’s novels but maybe I will! I look forward to seeing what you think if you end up reading Burn for Burn!


  10. Why is practically all these books are I either I still have them on my TBR, or I read them.

    I have not read Alice in Zombieland yet, and I want to read it before 2019 ever ends. I hated the Iron Fey, I just wanted to gouge out my eyes, because I was literally hating Meghan and were stupid whining. She is an ungrateful character, who makes goo-goo eyes at Puck, and don’t get me started on him. And The Kiss of Deception, I read that recently and honestly it’s just a boring love triangle with full romance, without any hint of fantasy elements in the book. Don’t get me started on the supposed assassin in that book. Burn for burn is okay, but I hated the third book.

    I loved TATBILB and Six of Crows so hopefully you’ll like those, because I found them really good.

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