Top Ten Tuesday | Movies / TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books

Top Ten Tuesday | Movies / TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Hello, mersquad! I’m here for another Top Ten Tuesday. I thought that I was going to be able to write this up and have it set to post today but I ended up… not? It’s okay though. Hopefully I’ll be able to figure out exactly what I was going to say and draft it up.

I did end up relocating my place of work today. I’m at a coffee shop in like a town maybe 35 or so minutes away from me. It’s actually in a cute little “historical” type of town and I was able to parallel park my beast of a truck that I’ve been driving in ONE SHOT. So shout out to the bad ass that is me right now. Even though I’m so irritated with what happened with the vet’s office this morning, I knew that I had to be able to take myself out and just decompress without being near my dogs and taking out my frustration on them. Luckily I’m also off today due to a state holiday in Hawaii so I’m not working at all today either. I’m happy about that because I needed a break.

Okay, so what’s the topic again? Movies and/or TV shows that would make amazing books? Okay that’s going to be interesting. I think there’s a few BOOKS that I would feel would make amazing movies and TV shows but I don’t know if I ever thought about it in the opposite way. So let me take a second to think about this and see what I end up coming up with.

Or watch me pick movies and TV shows that are already based on books and I didn’t even realize it.

Pick 1: Warrior

So I’ll be honest: I haven’t watched this in its entirety at all because of how violent it is and my husband was the one that was actually watching it, BUT I could see this being a duology or something in the same vein as The Poppy War, She Who Became the Sun, Jade City, The Grace of Kings… all of those books are absolutely amazing Asian-inspired epic tales and I could see Warrior being one of the greats just like these. Of course, the ones that I listed are just a few of the ones that I’ve read and I can think of, but there are so many more out there and I’m so glad that more are being written and published.

Pick 2: Wu Assassins

In the same vein, another one that I was thinking about that could be similar or more closer to Jade City is Wu Assassins.

Also petition to bring this show back! What the hell?! I don’t know why they canceled it after one season but this was freaking amazing! I loved this show and I watched it so quickly that now I’m upset that I can’t wait for any other episodes or seasons.

Pick 3: Into the Badlands

I also haven’t had a chance to watch this one yet – but I freaking WILL – but I feel like this one would make a good book series too. Now that I’m writing this though, I also feel like I probably won’t get to all 10 for the Top Ten but I’ll get to maybe five.

Or less.

Pick 4: The Brothers Sun

This one definitely reminds me of Jade City, but it’s its own story as well. ALSO HOW DARE THEY CANCEL THIS AFTER ONE SEASON again?! What the actual hell? Michelle Yeoh was freaking amazing in her role and honestly the whole thing was just perfect. I hate Netflix cancelling shit that’s actually good. Stupid people.

Pick 5: Kingdom

Again, Netflix dropped the ball on this one and needs to bring it back like ASAP. I feel like I rewatched this show like six times or something. Three times in Korean and three times in English. I could imagine this being a duology or something based on the fact that it’s only two seasons right now but it would really take the zombie genre to a place that I don’t think I’ve seen outside of Dread Nation.

Yeah, like I thought, I was only able to think of five. I feel like the others that I do watch are better as shows since they are SO LONG and I have learned that I don’t crave ten billion long book series anymore. Not that I like duologies and trilogies more, but I just can’t commit to something that’s longer than 5 books without there being some sort of planned plot? I don’t know. Like, how much more can you put your characters through? Such a huge change from when I was younger and I craved those ten book long series like T*Witches, Daughters of the Moon, House of Night… stuff like that.

Gone are the days lol.

So what’s on your list? Are there any shows you recommend I watch? I’m always looking for new stuff when I need a break from reading. Lay it on me, friends!

See you in the next post!

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