Sunday Post | Taking Myself on Many Many Reading Dates

Sunday Post | Taking Myself on Many Many Reading Dates

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news about the past week, reading recaps, new hauls, and more.

First of all, YAY ME for finally getting some time to sit down and write a Sunday Post! These are actually some of my favorite blog posts to write, and I can’t believe I haven’t written any since December of last year. It’s been pretty much a whole quarter. Ridiculous, if I do say so myself. I hope to get back into the groove of this one, or at least get more consistent and try to write them every week.

So anyway, let’s get down to business! To… defeat the huns? Yes, yes I should also do a rewatch of Mulan.

So I actually have been reading some ARCs this year! I can’t believe that I’ve been getting them in my reading list. While I haven’t been writing all of the reviews like I need to, I will slowly be working on them. The latest ones that I did are listed here. I forgot that I was actually using a different banner for ARC reviews so I kind of messed up, but I’ll have to start using them so that I can differentiate between the different reviews I’m writing. Surprisingly, it actually does matter a little bit to me, but for some reason I couldn’t remember that I had that banner because it was so low in my canvas projects lol.

Anyway, I see that I’m just rambling as I’m watching That’s So Raven – which OMG what a damn throw back. One of the best Disney shows in the world by the way – so let me actually list my ARCs reviews that I actually wrote, and then list the ones that I still need to write. I swear, it’s writing the reviews that’s harder than reading the ARCs.

And then there’s more that I read that I haven’t actually written yet, and I should keep track of them so that I can actually work on them. I read some ARCs last year actually without realizing it but I didn’t end up writing those reviews either so I’m going to have to reread them so I can write those reviews too.

  • TWO Wednesday Books that I can’t share reviews for due to the SMP Boycott
  • The City of Dusk – Tara Sim
  • The Undead Truth of Us – Britney S. Lewis
  • Act Your Age, Eve Brown – Talia Hibbert
  • Last Night at the Telegraph Club – Malina Lo
  • Never Look Back – Lilliam Rivera
  • Blazewrath Games – Amparo Ortiz
  • Murder at the Mena House – Erica Ruth Neubauer
  • City Spies – James Ponti

Phew that’s a lot of ARCs that I’m going to need to reread and write reviews for. OR, I’m going to have to figure out if I can recall enough of these books so I don’t have to reread all of them. Well, there are a few that I do want to reread because I loved them so much! I wish that I was able to write them as soon as I finished reading them but I may have read them too quickly or started another book right after and forgot all about it. You know how it can be.

Alright so I have some books that I wanted to read this month, and I think I’ve read maybe almost half of them? Honestly I don’t even know. It’s already towards the end of the month and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get through all of the ones that I want to, but I’m glad that the ones that I have been reading have been pretty awesome. There’s really only been one book that I’ve read this whole year that I just did not love at all, but everything else has been either good or amazing! So that’s good news, yeah?

Anyway, here’s my list for March and my progress on it so far.

I’m on track to finish up the two books that I started! Which is great, and now I just have to figure out when I’ll get to the other two books. It would be so great to finish them on time! At read all of the books that I try to read on my monthly TBR! But I’m such a mood reader that honestly I don’t even know if I’ll end up getting to them. I’m going to try though, and that’s all that I can do.

We will see how I do next week, and since my Wednesday post tells what I’ve read throughout the week, we will see what’s on that post. I did finish quite a few since my last Wednesday post so I’m excited to see how many I did end up finishing total by the time Wednesday gets here.

So I’m in the process of moving to Hawaii, and I’m supposed to be leaving Virginia sometime in April. Honestly, my goal was to get to Hawaii at the end of February, but it’s almost the end of March, so you know how that goes. Yay, military, I guess. But a lot of it was actually because of making sure that my dogs are able to get through the airport without having to stay in quarantine for the whole 120 days. Hopefully we will all be able to get through this in one piece, without any more delays. And I’ve been really stressed about it. Honestly I don’t even really want to talk about it much because whenever I think about how things have been delayed so much and I just want us to get there already.

So while I’ve been doing what I can to get through that, I’ve been using my time to take myself out on some reading dates away from the house so I can stop freaking out. I usually do this when I have time, but now that I’m alone since my husband is already deployed, I really just have all these moments alone. Which is funny because I do love having my time alone to just be by myself. Plus it gives me a chance to catch up on my reading and try the restaurants that I’ve been wanting to try or haven’t had a chance to go to in a while. Or even some coffee shops that I haven’t been to in a while! Just being able to read and eat is always a blast. You know how it is.

I guess I’ve been just trying to not feel alone or something. I don’t know. But it’s weird because I don’t always want to hang out with people, I just want to be out of the house. It’s a weird feeling I guess.

Okay I know I’ve shared this on my personal Facebook but Y’ALL. I am obsessed with the girl group XG! Like they are my new favorite girl group! Of course, I will forever love 2NE1 but XG is current and oh my gosh. I’m obsessed with their song “Left Right” like SO MUCH! It’s my favorite song so far but I do love all of them.

Like, I’m trying to see if I can recreate some of their outfits from the music video because they just look so damn cool. Watch it here.

I don’t even know if they are considered a traditional K-pop group because so far their songs have been exclusively in English and actually if you look at their member profiles, all of them are from Japan. Not like that isn’t usual for K-pop groups lately but for everyone to be from Japan and then to not sing in either Japanese or Korean, I think I read somewhere that they are considered an x-pop group because their music can’t be defined as just one or the other. I get it.

I dig it.

This is one of the outfits I want to recreate. Something about cargo pants and long sleeve shirts lol. They look so cool.

And this is the other outfit I want to recreate. I think I could use the same cargo pants for it too. Just need different long sleeve shirts and then the brown puffer vest.

So besides watching Supernatural on repeat – I think I’m about to catch up to where I stopped last time – I have been trying to relive my childhood and watch some other shows too. Do y’all remember the show W.i.t.c.h.? There were books and comic books that ended up becoming a show. I loved that show so much! They used to play on Disney but it was actually an Italian show that they ended up dubbing into English. And the books were also French first so, just totally not Disney’s original idea at all but one of my favorite shows back then.

The acronym WITCH is made up of their first names: Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin. If you ever get a chance to, find the show on YouTube and watch it! Or even read the books or the comics! I like the comics because I get to see their beautiful faces when I can’t watch the show. It actually took me a bit to find them because I had no idea where to look.

Then of course since I can’t find the original DiC dub anywhere – THEY JUST NEED TO RELEASE IT LEGALLY ALREADY – I’ve been trying to watch the original 90’s series with the VIZ dub even though it’s just NOT the same at all. Like yes I understand the VIZ dub is more accurate but damn I just miss the dub I grew up on. The voices just hit for me, you know? I think I watched like two episodes – maybe even just one – before I gave up. But I’m trying. I like the older one because it’s longer and they have time to actually learn how to be friends and work together as a team rather than just somehow be a cohesive team in five episodes. Doesn’t make sense to me at all.

Then of course my girl Raven. That’s So Raven was one of the best shows that Disney ever produced. I don’t really watch any of the new shows although I need to check out American Born Chinese – even though they canceled that already!!! Although what the heck is this news that Annelise was asked to leave both That’s So Raven AND Raven’s Home?! Like why would they do that? I really hope Raven wasn’t part of the reason why. That would just wreck me.

So yeah! Even though this is way past 12:30am on Monday, I’m finally posting it because I needed to charge my laptop and I ended up taking a break to watch That’s So Raven. But I like these. Maybe I’ll figure out how I want to update it for Instagram… maybe not. I’m not sure yet. I did look at a book tag that I did back in 2020 and I somehow converted it to Instagram and updated my answers, so that was cool. It took a while though, and with limited space on Instagram I had to figure out which prompts I wanted to answer and how I wanted to format the graphics but I think it worked out as well as I could do it.

I may end up doing that again sometime later. We will see! Anyway, I hope you have a great week! Let’s make Monday our bitch.

Okay for some reason nobody made that one scene in the Vampire Academy movie where Rose is saying “Let’s Make Tonight Our Bitch” into a gif so I cannot share it. And since I don’t know how to make gifs, I’m not making it myself. How disappointing.

See you in the next post, friends!

5 thoughts on “Sunday Post | Taking Myself on Many Many Reading Dates

    1. Thank you Kristina! I don’t think I’ve read ARCs in a while, so it’s great to be able to make some progress on them.

      Thanks again as well for the luck. I’m so worried about it, but I’m trying to just stay positive and do what I need to in order to get them to Hawaii safely.

      Liked by 1 person

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