First Line Fridays: June 28, 2019

First Line Fridays: June 28, 2019

I found another fun Friday post, thanks to Adele is Reading! Seriously, you’re the best. Who else is doing this one? I want to see what I’ve been missing all my life.

First Lines Fridays

First Lines Fridays is a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words. What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?

  • Pick a book off your shelf (it could be your current read or on your TBR) and open to the first page
  • Copy the first few lines, but don’t give anything else about the book away just yet – you need to hook the reader first
  • Finally… reveal the book!

Dearest Mickey,
Please, please write me back. Oh, I'm so worried these letters aren't finding their way to you. Our love deserves a chance to flourish. I know you think so too. You might want to give me one of your favorite quotes: "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened," but you don't really feel that way. I don't believe we're over, not yet.

DEATH BY DIPLOMA by Kelley Kaye!


Emma Lovett leaves her philandering husband and crosses the country to begin her teaching career at a high school in Pinewood, Colorado.There, she meets Leslie Parker, a fellow teacher given to quoting Shakespeare to fit all situations, and the two become fast friends.

Arriving at work early one morning, Emma discovers the body of the school custodian, a man who reminds her of her late father. When the police struggle to find the killer, the ladies decide to help solve the murder. Their efforts lead them to a myriad of suspects: the schizophrenic librarian, the crude football coach, the mysterious social studies teacher, and even Emma’s new love interest.

As Emma Lovett discovers the perils of teaching high school, she and Leslie learn more than they ever wanted to know about the reasons people kill.

Oh, how exciting! Who was the letter from? Was it from the victim, the killer, or some random person? Can’t be random right? Who’s Mickey? What does Mickey have to do with main character Emma Lovett? We’ll have to wait and see…

I think I’m gonna have fun with this post. Are you intrigued by the first few lines of Death by Diploma? What was your guess before the big reveal? Let me know in the comments and keep me engaged. Until next time!

6 thoughts on “First Line Fridays: June 28, 2019

      1. Of course, no problem! I don’t lay a claim to the FFL meme either. I’m so glad to see another book blogger participating though!! 😁

        I try to do the same thing with my posts as well. Glad we think alike in that regard.😁

        Liked by 1 person

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